Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cricket and Brazilian embroidery

Have been watching the IPL cricket matches. so could not write anything. Sad to see the Mumbai team with Jayasuriya and Tendulkar go out of the competition. It was very nice to watch Jayasuriya batting, sixes and fours to all parts of the ground. Now the semi finals tomorrow.

I started another cross stitch project on antique ships, the ones with large sails which will be good to use as wall hangings.

I love to do Brazilian embroidery. Could anyone give me a good site from where I can learn it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cricket fever

I had such a lot of work and what with the cricket matches going on, no time to write. I am a cricket fan too. I am enjoying watching the matches which is telecast every evening. While watching the matches I do my cross stitch.

I have finished stitching the Arabic cross stitch and now outlining it with gold back stitch. It looks good.